Sunday, May 21, 2017

The Nun whose killing was hushed up

I'm not into murder mysteries, but I plan to watch this one.

The Keepers on Netflix, a six-part series documenting the murder of a nun in Baltimore on Nov. 7, 1969.

It's about a nun teaching in a Catholic girls' high school.  

It's about why she was murdered--to cover up child sexual assault by priests.

It's about the Baltimore police department being controlled by the Roman Catholic Church so that the investigation of the murder goes nowhere.

You can watch all six parts if you have access to Netflix.  If you don't, I don't know how you can see it.  Try a library?

See the website for Stop the Silence - at

A couple of years back, I posted this. I think it's worth it to post again - let's stop this, together! Stay posted for updates as to how we can!
The reality (no fiction about it) is that about 1/4 or girls or more and about 1/6 of boys (or more) are sexually abused in the U.S. by the time they are 18 years old, with most of the abuse beginning for these child victims at around the age of 7 or 8 years old, and usually lasting over an extended period of time, and getting worse as it does.
Child sexual abuse (CSA) can be disastrous for child victims and adult survivors, and costs our society at large BILLIONS of dollars each year, not to mention the damage to our work force in productive time lost (e.g., due to mental and physical health problems). The aftermath of CSA often is comprised of poor school performance, clinical depression, PTSD, various other psychological disorders, eating disorders, drug and alcohol abuse, promiscuity, prostitution, trafficking, cutting, suicide and homicide and chronic disease. All of these are associated with CSA in the high double digits.
The vast majority (at least 90%) of offenders are known to the child(ren) and have access to them on a regular basis. About 40% of those 90% are family members... It's not just the Catholic Church... It crosses all racial, ethnic, religious boundaries. And there is a generational component to this due to many psychological and related factors.
And we, as a society, remain afraid to learn and talk about this! How can we continue to afford to be afraid, however difficult it may be to talk about?! How can we allow children to continue to suffer? How can we afford the results? CSA has to be prevented. The survivors have to find help and healing.
Talk about it. Join the movement toward the prevention and treatment of child sexual abuse. This is a public health problem of enormous proportions. We have to talk. We have to prevent. We have to heal. We have to end child sexual abuse. Here and throughout the world.
Pamela Pine, PhD, MPH
Founder and CEO
Stop the Silence: Stop Child Sexual Abuse, Inc.

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