Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Murder in the Media

Andrea Mitchell, 2017 Lifetime Achievement Award Winner
International Women's Media Foundation

Another journalist was killed Tuesday in Mexico, the ninth to die this year.

Cándido Ríos Vázquez, a crime reporter in the Gulf Coast state of Veracruz, was shot Tuesday along with two other men, according to the State Commission for Attention and Protection of Journalists.

Thank you to Kate Linthicum of the Los Angeles Times for this story:

Journalists die to report on their cities, their states, and their national governments, as well on drug cartels and crime of every kind--not to mention the arts, scientific events like the eclipse, sports, and other activities of people in their nations.  

Journalists face harrassment and rape as well as death.  Kim Wall of Sweden is the most recent example.

Yet dt constantly derides "the media."  Newspapers, radio, and television news shows are reporting on his misdeeds from his years as a landlord to his 2016 election campaign.

I for one will stand up and applaud the courageous journalists around the world who give their time, their energy, and sometimes their lives to find out what is really happening around us and to disseminate it to others.

To see awards given this year by the International Women's Media Foundation, go to their website:

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