Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Black Sun over the USA

Nazi symbol used by far-right

Another horrifying day in this country.

I am paralyzed by constant jolting horrendous news reports of the latest things dt has said, as well as by grief over the murder of Heather Heyer, who is the same age as Ellen.  I feel for her mother.  Roz points out that Heather's chihuahua Violet is now motherless.

I'm finding it hard to concentrate on work at my computer or even paying bills and doing necessary paperwork.

Prospects of more white supremacist rallies in Boston, Seattle, Berkeley are disgusting and scary--will more lives be lost?

I will not go counter-protest anything.  They don't deserve my time.  I will go to impeachment demonstrations, women's rights demonstrations, gay rights demonstrations.

Here's the editorial in the Washington Post for tomorrow:


We weep for our nation.

Southern Poverty Law Center's explanation of the symbol above, in a report on symbols used in Charlottesville and their meaning:

Schwarze Sonne (Black Sun), sometimes called the sonnerad: symbol has become synonymous with myriad far-right groups who traffic in neo-Nazi and/or neo-Volkisch ideologies. The symbol is based on the ancient sun wheel artifacts that were made and used by Norse and Germanic tribes as symbol of their pagan beliefs. Those sun wheels, made centuries upon centuries ago, do not usually resemble the complexity of this particular version. The version above is inlayed into the marble floor of the Castle Wewelsburg, the castle that Himmler made the spiritual and literal home of the SS during the reign of the Third Reich, and has significance within the occult practices of the SS. 


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