Monday, March 16, 2020

Does Putin control your vote?

President's pitch for ATTN: in 2018

President Obama's plea to get out there and vote is more important than ever for 2020.

Watch this video:

Apathy is what Russia wants.  

"My vote doesn't matter" is what Putin wants you to think.

If every American had voted in 2016, dt would not have been elected.

If all of us vote in 2020, we will be rid of him and can get on with our lives.

ATTN: is a media company based in Los Angeles, founded by  founded in 2014 by Matthew Segal and Jarrett Moreno

Listen to President Obama's 4.31 minute pep talk on Facebook or Twitter.

Note: it's true that nearly 3 million more votes went to Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2016 than went to dt.  But we needed 4 million to prevent the election of this self-labelled "stable genius."

You may say, "I live in a blue state" or "I live in a red state" so my vote wouldn't have counted.

Yes, that may be true.  But if everyone in the blue and red states voted, then people in the purple states would take notice.  Voting would be more respected in the USA.  Not voting would stand out like a purple thumb, like an invitation to tyrants: "Come, take over my country."

Enough young, thinking people would vote to overpower the votes of the 30% who wear MAGA hats.

We need your vote in 2020.

I'm not asking you to be patriotic.  

I'm not asking for two years in the Armed Services.  

I'm asking you to protect your own interests, to do the bare minimum: think and vote.

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