Monday, September 15, 2008

Gender Politics

"This is quite a semester to be teaching a women's studies course," I commented to a friend at work today.

"I'm glad not to be teaching that this semester," she answered.

"Why?" I asked. "Last year the term 'gender politics' was just a concept my students had to try to remember and define, but this past weekend I've heard news commentators refer to it several times. It's almost a household phrase."

"I feel so strongly about this election--I couldn't talk about it in the classroom," she admitted. "It's so serious--just think what could happen if McCain & Palin win!"

She's definitely in the "end of the world" camp, but I stick to my guns (pardon the expression) that a McCain/Palin victory would be survivable.

"We've already seen the damage done by Bush & Cheney. It can't get any worse," I argued.

"But if she became president? Well, perhaps they could control her," my friend reflected.

I'm not sure Palin given the power of a vice presidency or presidency would be easy to rein in, but if I have to watch that show, I'm going to enjoy it a lot more than the George W. years or the Richard & Spiro years.

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