Monday, June 29, 2020

Face Masks & Abortion Rights

Quote from Rabbi Sofer, in 19th C.
Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
Thank you, Justices John G.  Roberts, Jr.; Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen G. Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan for telling the state of Louisiana today that it can't place a heavy burden on a woman seeking to end a pregnancy.

“The Louisiana law imposes a burden on access to abortion just as severe as that imposed by the Texas law, for the same reasons,” the chief justice wrote, as quoted by the NY Times. “Therefore Louisiana’s law cannot stand under our precedents.”

May Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alioto Jr., Brett Kavanaugh, and Neil Gorsuch go to hell.  They supported Louisiana in requiring doctors who provide abortion to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital--though for most of Louisiana there is no abortion-providing hospital within 15 miles of a women's clinic or women's health-care provider.  That means no safe, legal abortion without access to a car, money, perhaps a motel.  That could mean a DIY abortion.

To these four justices, women's lives don't matter.  Only the embryo matters--or even the fertilized egg.  If Chief Justice Roberts had voted with them, some women would have died. 

Twitter & Instagram personality Hayley Banu @noturwaife69 expressed it this way:

white ppl be like "it’s your choice if you want to wear a mask or not” then tell you you can’t get an abortion

Yes, I've seen a lot of white males and females on the news saying "It's my right as an American not to wear a mask."  I haven't seen any brown or black people saying this (though there may be some out there).

Many of those same "my rights" people don't think women have any right to end a pregnancy.

"I can kill someone by spreading the Covid-19 virus," they say, "but you can't end a potential life growing inside your body.  Because that's murder, in my view."  

So it goes in the United States of America in 2020.

See also:

Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice -

Pro Faith. Pro Family. Pro Choice.

Abortion--My Choice, God's Grace: Christian Women Tell Their Stories (Pasadena: Hope Publishing House, 1994) ed. Anne Eggebroten (aka Anne Linstatter).

"Supreme Court liberals, with Roberts, strike down Louisiana abortion law" by David G. Savage, Los Angeles Times.

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