Wednesday, February 5, 2020

A Republican I Can Respect: Mitt Romney

Senator Mitt Romney announcing his vot
 to remove Trump from office
I have tremendous respect for ⁦Senator Mitt Romney.

Thank you, Senator Romney, for respecting your oath before God, honoring your country, caring about the #Senate and the #RuleOfLaw and the separation of powers. ⁦

Your courage, honesty, and truth-telling will long be remembered.

In fact, I'm serious about the button I wear: Anyone but Trump 2020. Mitt, I'd vote for you. You have so many qualities that this pitiful man lacks.

I'm so disappointed in Senators Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, Lamar Alexander, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and many others--the whole GOP senate except for Senator Romney.

You weak senators swore an oath before God, but you voted to protect your brief political careers.

May God judge you as harshly as history will.

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