Friday, April 5, 2019

Rockstars and Nightmares

Craig Duswalt;s #7 tip for making podcasts or videos

It was eerie.  

There I was, was listening to Craig Duswalt's humorous presentation of Step #8 in his Twelve Steps To Become a Rockstar Marketer.

Many of his "Think outside the box" suggestions were hilarious: get a sandwich named after you at your local eatery, slip your business cards into magazines in your doctor's waiting room, have employees picket outside your business with signs saying how nice the company is.

The last suggestion looked innocent at first: "Campaign and run in a local election."  

Then Craig began describing his own experience with this publicity tool.  He realized that a local election would involve free coverage in the local papers, candidate sessions with Q & A,  and other publicity events that would help his marketing business.  

Because he also wanted to contribute to the well-being of schools in his community, he decided to run for the school board.  He was enjoying all the coverage when he actually attended s school board meeting and heard an hour debate over whether to spend 2 cents per pupil on some improvements.

The prospect of many such meetings scared him, so he decided "I have to lose this election."  

After many goofy tactics, he did lose the election but only by 600 votes out of 9,000.  It was a close call.

Suddenly it hit me: this tactic was exactly what Donald Trump had done.  He campaigned and ran in an election as a publicity stunt for his business and his own ego.  He knew it would increase interest in his hotels, golf courses, and other enterprises.

But he didn't lose.  Because polls showed his opponent as likely to win, he didn't worry too much about possibly having to govern the United States of America until the last few weeks or days. Now he has to find ways to avoid the boring stuff. 

Earlier in the day, I'd been noticing that Craig sounds a lot like Donald.  After all, they both grew up  in suburbs of New York City.  Same accent.

Furthermore, the vocabulary they each use overlaps to a great extent, perhaps because they are both salesmen.

"We are an incredible resource for amazing connections," Craig said.  A few sentences later, "It's unbelievable!"

Seeing and hearing Craig line up with Donald suddenly brought the picture into focus.  I had suspended disbelief, but now I felt skeptical about all the marketing tips I was hearing.

They didn't seem harmless any more. 

Check it out for yourself.  Go to and browse.  

And of course, visit my site too:

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