Friday, April 27, 2018

Evangelicals against Trump

FYI, not all evangelicals love the current president.  

Check out the recent covers of Sojourners Magazine:

Theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer decided that killing Hitler was what Christians in Germany needed to do in 1944-45.  He was captured and killed for his plotting with others.  Lori Brandt Hall and Reggie L. Williams consider his example for evangelicals in the US today.

William Barber II analyzes King Nebbuchadnezzar in the book of Daniel to find out how to deal with our current president.

Racism among born-again Christians is an old phenomenon, writes Kelly Brown Douglas, dean of the Episcopal Divinity School at Union Seminary.  

Online the website offers a timeline of "evangelical backsliding" by Jim Wallis.

Mark Labberton, the president of Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena CA, is also out there speaking on "The Crisis of Evangelicalism."

It's a veritable snowstorm of evangelicals against Trump--but will his base hear it?  

Probably not--they're actually not very much into church or following Jesus or reading articles on faith/dt/any other topic.

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