Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Tribute to Humayun Khan

It's heart-breaking to learn about Humayun Khan's heroic life and early death defending his fellow soldiers in Iraq in 2004.


It's still more heart-breaking to hear that he and his family have been disrespected by the Republican candidate for president of the United States of America.



Thank you to Hillary Clinton for honoring him and inviting his parents to speak at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia on July 28, 2016.

In her introductory tribute video before Khizr Khan's speech at the 2016 DNC -- Hillary Clinton stated with confidence: "If you want to see the best of America, you need look no further than Army Captain Humayan Khan."

Said candidate also criticized Humayun's mother for not speaking at the convention--suggesting she was "not allowed to speak."  

Ghazala Khan spoke out against this charge in an op-ed piece in the Washington Post.  She said words were not necessary on that stage to convey her pain: 

 "Because without saying a thing, all the world, all America, felt my pain. I am a Gold Star mother. Whoever saw me felt me in their heart."


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