Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Hillary, Sunday School Teacher

When dt said about Hillary Rodham Clinton, "She's the devil," he knew not whereof he spoke.

Once again.

Historian Kristin Kobes Du Mez has documented the role of faith in Hillary's life.

See this link from EEWC-Christian Feminism Today:


Among other things, Hillary has taught Sunday school at her Methodist church.

"...[S]he devoted an entire chapter of her first book, It Takes a Village, to the importance of faith," reports EEWC.com.

In her second book, Hard Choices, she quotes the Wesleyan mantra, ‘Do all the good you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can,’

Last I heard, that was not the devil's motto.


Hooray!  May Muslim women bring down dt's campaign for president.


I applaud the Twitter campaign to counter the notion that all Muslim women are oppressed and silent.

As a professor teaching women & religion, I tried to show my students Muslim women who were powerful and self-affirming.

Wearing the hijab or choosing not to speak before thousands about the death of one's son is not a sign of weakness.


US election "rigged"?

dt is afraid.  Very afraid.

"I'm afraid the election is going to be rigged," he said at a campaign rally in Columbus, Ohio.

The biggest loser is already giving excuses for why he may lose the presidential election on November 8.


The degree to which dt distrusts the US electoral system is just astounding.  That is not the first time he has made such statements.

The time to complain is afterward with proof.  Al Gore had plenty of reason to complain about the handling of votes cast for him in Florida in 2000 and about the Supreme Court decision that gave the presidency to George Bush.  


But Al Gore didn't go around whining about the process being "rigged."  He accepted America's best attempt to be fair in a close presidential contest.  He chose national unity over his own welfare.

Here we have a presidential candidate complaining before the fact without proof.  It is so mean-spirited.

Like his words in a Pennsylvania rally about his rival Hilary Rodham Clinton:  "She is the devil."

Has any presidential candidate ever said that about his opponent--ever??  No.

At another rally in Pennsylvania, he took the unprecedented step of directly calling Mrs Clinton "the devil".

How can we possibly endure another three months and 6 days of dt mouthing off?

May the days hasten and shorten until the time we can bury dt as an embarrassing footnote to American history.

Tribute to Humayun Khan

It's heart-breaking to learn about Humayun Khan's heroic life and early death defending his fellow soldiers in Iraq in 2004.


It's still more heart-breaking to hear that he and his family have been disrespected by the Republican candidate for president of the United States of America.



Thank you to Hillary Clinton for honoring him and inviting his parents to speak at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia on July 28, 2016.

In her introductory tribute video before Khizr Khan's speech at the 2016 DNC -- Hillary Clinton stated with confidence: "If you want to see the best of America, you need look no further than Army Captain Humayan Khan."

Said candidate also criticized Humayun's mother for not speaking at the convention--suggesting she was "not allowed to speak."  

Ghazala Khan spoke out against this charge in an op-ed piece in the Washington Post.  She said words were not necessary on that stage to convey her pain: 

 "Because without saying a thing, all the world, all America, felt my pain. I am a Gold Star mother. Whoever saw me felt me in their heart."
