Wednesday, March 2, 2016

GOP: A Plane Losing Pieces

Well, at least Cruz is a Latino and not a billionaire.

And the award for Best Commentary on Super Tuesday goes to Tim Pawlenty:

“If the Republican Party were an airplane, and you were looking out a passenger window, you would see surface pieces peeling off and wonder if one of the wings or engines was next,” said Tim Pawlenty, the former governor of Minnesota and a Republican candidate for president in 2012.

Thank you to NY Times reporters Jonathan Martin and Michael Barbaro for this tasty tidbit.

In my household, we have a distraught Dem panicking over a certain megalomillionaire's rise: "He'll get the nomination!"

We have a cool millennial and poli sci major who says Hillary has a clear path to the White House.

And then there's yours truly, saying that said megalomillionaire will not get the GOP nomination, hoping for Hillary but concerned about mini-minded white male voters. 

Who do you predict for the party nominees for 2016? And who will get the presidency? 

Post your prediction below.

Note: the t word will not appear in my blog, except in the labels to facilitate Google searches.

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