Sunday, August 31, 2008

Palin Politics

Sarah Palin reminds me of Phyllis Schlafly--the Eagle Forum-style politics, the hair style... a younger, sexier reincarnation.

Palin as Alaska's governor has a legitimate political base and probably much more reasonable views on many issues. Calling her more aware than Schlafly, however, is not saying much.

Thank you to Grace Jones Moore, who alerted us at this morning's gathering for a Women-Church liturgy in Claremont, to Maureen Dowd's hilarious column in today's New York Times, "Vice in Go-go Boots?" (the most emailed item in the NYT today).

Read it at

[Thank you to Diane Steelsmith for finding me the website of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which reports that it's illegal to copy an article from a newspaper, journal, or another blog into one's own blog. Short quotations for comment or news reporting are not an infringement of the Copyright Act.

I originally pasted Dowd's column into this blog, but now I've cleaned up my act and will avoid reprinting copyrighted material.


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