Sunday, September 26, 2021

The Story of Betty Reid Soskin & Rosie the Riveter

By Ann Rosener, U.S. Office of War Information 

Betty Reid Soskin turned 100 years old on September 22, 2021.

During World War II she worked as a file clerk for Boilermakers Union A-36.  At age 85 she became a park ranger for the National Park Service, a job she still holds today.  

Recently she fought to get a park in Richmond CA to honor the women who worked in welding and shipbuilding during World War II -- "Rosy the Riveter" real women.

Here's a photo of a real worker dropping her daughter off at day care so she herself can sleep during the day and be ready for her next nightshift of work.  Other photos can be found at Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front National Historical Park.

Betty Reid Soskin

Now a middle school near Richmond has chosen to change its name from Juan Crespi Middle School to Betty Reid Soskin Middle School.  The decision began with one student's campaign to honor Soskin. 

Juan Crespi was one of the Franciscan priests who accompanied Spanish soldiers exploring and claiming California.  In the process, they conquered the Native Americans living in California, built forts, and enslaved many of the people to build missions. 

Thank you to Pastor Stacy Boorn of herchurch, San Francisco, for highlighting this bit of news in her message this Sunday morning.  

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