Friday, January 8, 2021

Brian D. Sicknick Ends Trump Rampage

Just as George Floyd's death ignited a movement to end the unlimited power of police, 
Brian D. Sicknick's death has ended the tyranny of dt over the USA.

Someone in the ruthless mob struck Sicknick with a fire extinguisher on Wednesday as he tried to defend the Capitol Building, and he died late Thursday night. 

How tragic that it took a police officer killed to stop the rampage of this unhinged president.

The Wall Street Journal and others, including the Republican governor of Maryland and a GOP member of Congress, are calling for him to resign.

Others want to convince Vice President Mike Pence to set in motion his removal by use of the 25th Amendment.

If momentum does not build for either of these means, Speaker Nancy Pelosi will call for a vote on impeachment, again, by the middle of next week.  The threat of being the only president in US history to be impeached twice might, just might, push him to resign.  (Well, it's unlikely that he could comprehend the shame enough to do the minimally honorable thing.)

Call, email, or text your senator and representative in the House to urge them to impeach and convict him.

See the NY Times "Pressure on Trump Intensifies."

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