Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Good news for widows in India

India - 7th largest country, 2nd most people

We have to take good news when and wherever we can find it.  Kai Schultz found good things happening in Vrindavan, India, not far from Delhi.

Nirmala Maheshwari told Kai that she had lost her social value in the eyes of her family, and her son and other relatives starved and beat her.

She found refuge, however, in a government-sponsored ashram for widows.

Without a husband, a small portion of India’s approximately 40 million widows are violently purged from their homes each year.
But many of India’s castaway widows — most of them illiterate, some married off as infants — have seen significant improvements in their quality of life over the last few years. Prodded by a flurry of public petitions and court rulings, the government and rights groups have invested tens of millions of dollars into lifting the conditions of abandoned women.

Thank you for this small locus of hope, Kai.  See the full story at

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