Saturday, April 26, 2014

One Life for Peace

Leonore Draper, age 32, died last night--Friday--in Chicago after helping to put on a fundraiser for a teen anti-violence group called Project Orange Tree.  She was shot as she parked the car in front of her house.

Leonore worked as a budget analyst for the Chicago Public Schools. 

She also did volunteer work with a group raising awareness about the impact of HIV/AIDS on women and helped raise funds for research on multiple sclerosis, her husband's illness.

She blogged about MS too and was active on Facebook reminding friends about the fundraiser on Friday.

Deliver us from evil we pray daily.

Evil cut her down, a young woman my daughter's age, doing much good with the one life she had been given.

I grieve with God over this beautiful life ended too soon.

In the week after Easter she met her Good Friday and became like Jesus.

On that same day, I learned that I have stage 1 breast cancer, quite treatable by surgery, radiation, and medications.  

What a small event, being taken care of by surgeons and doctors for this illness at age 65, compared to Leonore's sudden innocent death!

Teach us so to number our days
That we may get a heart of wisdom.  
    ---Psalm 90:12

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