Saturday, March 8, 2014

One Day a Year...

I generally hate these holidays that honor women on only one day a year.

My kids grew up knowing that Mother's Day cards and gifts were verboten.  I would lecture them about the origin of Mother's Peace Day and occasionally take them to a peace demonstration.

I especially hate it when every Joe Blow you meet wishes you a "Happy Mother's Day!" as if my choice to bear children and my experience of childbirth and childrearing were part of their business and something to celebrate so they can get back to taking women for granted on the other 364 days of the year.

I'm not sure about International Women's Day, March 8, and Women's Equality Day, August 26, commemorating passage of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution.

Women in the US still don't have an Equal Rights Amendment, fought for during most of my adult life, and women around the world are way behind in literacy, access to food and health and reproductive services, employment, leadership roles in government.... et cetera.

Taking one day a year to notice that much more change is needed--well, I guess that's good.  Anyway, other women I respect think it's good.

My friend Linda Brebner from Evangelical & Ecumenical Women's Caucus-Christian Feminism Today (EEWC-CFT) sent me a link to a one-minute cartoon about women's rights.  I pass it on to you:

Click on the preview below to load and view the full card. Also, be sure to see Linda Brebner's personal message below the animation.
If you have any trouble viewing the Ecard, click on the link below or copy and paste the web address into your web browser:
Honor the fight for women's equality in religion by visiting the EEWC-CFT website:

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